Marc-Olivier Buffle joined Pictet Asset Management in 2014 as a Senior Product Specialist in the Thematic Equities team. Before joining Pictet, Marc spent 6 years at RobecoSAM where he acted successively as senior analyst, head of industrials and head of SI research. Prior to that he was responsible for business development at the Danaher Corporation. Marc started his career at Trojan Technologies in London Canada, where he LED a R&D team focusing on water treatment technologies. Marc holds a MSc in engineering from the ETH in Zurich, and a PhD from EAWAG in Environmental. Cédric Lecamp joined Pictet Asset Management in 2007 and is a Junior Investment Manager for the 'Water' and 'Agriculture' funds in the Sector & Theme Funds team. Cédric graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Law from the University of Durham and holds an MSci in Business and Administration from HEC Geneva.